Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Water Diet: 5 Waterwise LandscapExpert Tips

Crabapple LandscapExperts know that waterwise landscaping will save one of our precious resources. Let us help the properties you manage to gain water independence.
Retain water in the plan and design of the landscape. Include storm runoff and sprinkler system flow. This attention to detail saves you a lot on watering bills and time, plus it helps conserve the community’s water resources.
Consider a Rain Garden. This is a shallow swale or depression planted with adaptable plants that normally looks like a garden. When it rains, the rain garden collects runoff and excess water, and allows it to drain off slowly and to evaporate.
Schedule watering of ornamentals during the day and only when needed. When there is no rain, about an inch of irrigation per week keeps the plants and soil in good shape. Crabapple pays special attention to irreplaceable trees.

Limit fertilizer, pesticide and weed-killer applications. Crabapple’s Georgia- certified crew practices responsible application of chemicals to decrease phosphorous run off and supply exactly what lawns and ornamentals need, conserving the property budget as well.
Call your Crabapple LandscapExpertsRep to schedule a Water Diet for the properties you manage. 

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