Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We Don’t Guess, We Soil Test

 To understand more about the nutrient levels in the soils of the properties we care for, Crabapple LandscapExperts do routine, periodic soil tests. We see a vast improvement to the health of plants in your landscapes when we factor in the type of plants in each specific area and the levels of nutrients available, provided by scientific testing.

Reasons to test the soil:
High nutrient levels /too much fertilizer in the past can cause 
  • too rapid growth 
  • waste of money  
  • harm the environment

Low nutrient levels./too little fertilizer in the past results in 
  • poor or slow growth 
  • yellowing or discoloration of plants
  • bare patches 

Crabapple maintains nutrition levels by using the right kind and right amount of fertilizer, compost and organic matter to add to optimize growth and create a thriving plant population with terrific curb appeal.

In the case of a specialty flower bed, raised bed or a pet veggie plot, homeowners and  community gardeners may wish to test the soil themselves. Either phone Crabapple or follow these instructions
  • Watch the how-to video on YouTube by Walter Reeves 
  • Locate your county extension office on this searchablemap for GA CES 
  • Obtain a postage-paid UGA Sample Kit(s) for $15 each
  • Take multiple small samples from all over the area as shown in the video, mix them together, then put about a pound of the uniform mixture in the sample bag 
  • mail to the soil testing labs in Athens or take it to your local county extension office
  • follow the recommendations when the lab report comes back

Crabapple does all this for you, so be assured that the soils and plants on the properties you manage are getting the best care in metro-Atlanta.