Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tree Clearance of Valuable Buildings; Tree Pruning for Health and Safety

The most visual and valuable component of the landscape, and the most difficult to replace on the properties that you manage, are the shade trees. The Crabapple LandscapExperts Team includes full-service tree care specialists who can correctly manage any and all tree challenges for you, preventing damage before it occurs.
Tree care services:
Pruning will correct storm and wind damage, lightning wounds, broken limbs as well as deadwood removal.
Crown cleaning can eliminate safety issues such as hazardous limbs. Dying, diseased or weak branches and water sprouts from a tree’s crown are expertly evaluated and proactively removed.
Building clearance consists of pruning trees in order to prevent damage to valuable architectural structures by trees or tree limbs. Oaks are pruned about three feet from the designated structure, while faster growing trees are pruned back about four feet. This distance ensures that with normal growth additional clearing will not need to be scheduled for about three years.
Selective tree removal is the most drastic form of building clearance. Afterward, stump grinding is done safely and efficiently, with the minimum disruption to your community.
Crown thinning is the selective removal of branches to increase light penetration and air circulation, and to decrease weight. Security issues can also be addressed in trees or in the shrubbery.
 Vista pruning opens up a visual path to a specific feature, sculpture or view from a predetermined point. You may wish to consult with Crabapple’s Landscape Architects on vista pruning.
Crown restoration improves the shape or silhouette of the tree, and is of particular benefit in cases of storm damage, mechanical damage or vandalism.
Crown reduction (also known as crown shaping) reduces the height and/or spread of a tree while maintaining the proper scale and an attractive/appropriate appearance for each species of tree.
Root pruning of crossing roots or roots disrupting hardscaping like sidewalks, steps or flagstone

Recycling Green Waste, a Value Proposition
Crabapple practices green waste recycling, removing limbs and felled trees from the site and taking them to our facility where they are chipped and turned into valuable mulch. After being completely composted, wood chips are appropriately spread  on landscapeswe maintain that require organic mulch.

Ask Crabapple LandscapExperts to assist with prioritizing, budgeting and scheduling tree care for both the health of your trees and safety of your properties.  Crabapple recruits ISA certified Arborists for its specialist tree care crews. For more information, contact your Customer Rep to discuss healthy trees. 

photo credits thank you to and

1 comment:

  1. I love to read you post and I may realize that The more a certified arborist is involved in our industry's events and task, the more you can trust they will treat your property and trees like they belong to their favorite grandmother.
